The Zero Beaters ARC has an ARRL VEC volunteer exam group which conducts exam sessions each month with the exception of June and July. To find the times, dates and locations of exams go to: and look under "Missouri". In the results, look for "Washington, MO". Please confirm with the contact person listed.

Contact Call Sign Phone Number
Paul Chambers (ARRL Liaison) NØBBD 314‐580‐4510
Bruce Bartram KEØMSW 636‐730‐0465
Curt Bates KF0CQN 314-313-0874
Jim Birkenbach NØNSN
Robert Dohrer WØAVG 636‐433‐5543
Mike Guzy KC9OOH 636‐432‐1126
Paul Hinrichs KØTPY 636‐584‐7878
John Jomp NØUIQ 314‐743‐7681
Thomas Parsons KDØIWI 636‐234‐0910
Bruce Serbus KDØKCF 314‐954‐3199
Larry Weidle KEØUSM